Thursday 19 February 2015

My dream world.


Some days I just want to go away. Flee from this small town that is making me feel claustrophobic, this society that is so eager to put us all in so many different boxes yet wants everyone to be the exact same. 

On those days minutes feel like hours and hours feel like days. On days like this I like to close my eyes. I close my eyes and fly away, away to my dream world. My own dream world, a beautiful place, perfectly peaceful. It's a beautiful world, full of the rarest creatures, beautiful flora and the best of all I feel at peace. No schedules, no pressure, no stress, no screaming or yelling or lecturing and no anxiety. This world is mine and mine alone. There are others, people I know, friends and family but also strangers. People who are strangers to me or who I am a stranger to. All these people fit there perfectly, the people here are the good people, the positive energy people. 

In my dream world the people care, they care about me, about my endless ranting about an infinite amount of (irrelevant) topics. They care but most important of all, they listen. They listen and they give me the answers I want and sometimes also the answers I need. In my dream world the sun is always shining, the temperature is pleasant, even in the mountain areas. My dream world allows me to travel wherever I want. When those places don't exist in real life I create them as I'm in my own dream world. Everything I want is here. 

Having a dream world, an escape route is a wonderful thing. Very helpful in difficult, stressful or just bad, times. In this world I calm myself, talk to people who actually listen and understand, go on adventures with them. Strangers and friends alike travel with me. I get to see the most incredible things and live a life I will never be able to in the real world.  Yes I love my own dream world. It contains the things I feel like I'm missing out on in real life, always bright and safe never dark and anxious. 

I love my dreamworld which might be why I have been spending so much time there lately. My backpack is getting empty but I'll never run out of supplies. This place is better than everywhere else I know. Lost in time and reality my life continues here subconsciously while real life goes on.
I am there, yes, yes, physically I am present that's for sure however my mind is gone. To a better place. Away of all the misery I have been avoiding. Not yet ready to come back. They won't notice, I keep telling myself. Just a few more days and the week will be over. I'll return by then, it will be fine.

It will be fine, a small sentence I keep repeating during my time in the dream world I created. Everything will be fine and when I feel ready to face the real world again I pack my backpack and fly back. I leave my dream world behind me, the people are the size of ants, the landscapes look like they're made out of lego. It's time to say goodbye for now, dream world you've been great to me, until the next time! Ready to face real life again, for a little while at least.

Keep on dreaming!
(Source: ThatDutchGirl96, Canon Powershot SX 280HS)

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