Wednesday 31 December 2014

My 2014.


The end of the year is nearing and that can only mean one thing. So grab your mirror, look into it, stare yourself in the eye and reflect on all the amazing and less amazing memories you have made this year. 365 days, spent differently by everyone. Endings, new beginnings, losses, gains, death, birth and so on, 2014 has had it all.

Reflection, for me an important part of the last days of the year. Throughout the year I try to keep a diary, take lots of pictures and for two years now I have a memory jar. It's this simple glass jar, nothing special about it really, that I decorated. Whenever I do something fun or I am just having a decent/ great day I write that on a piece of paper which then get's folded and put in the jar. Over the year the jar fills up and on the 31st of December I open it and go through all the notes that are in it, reliving the year and looking back on all the amazing memories I've created. After reading all the notes in the jar I burn them. The reason behind that burning ritual is quite simple. The notes contain certain memories, moments that have special meaning to me personally and by simply burning them they will stay that way. Special memories of mine, forever.

2014 has been an amazing year for me. I have learned a lot about myself, the world, the universe and life itself. That sounds pretty deep but not without reason. You could say that I have found myself in 2014. This year I have set goals, things I really want to accomplish and everyday I think about those goals and the long way that stills lies ahead of me. The fact that I now know what I want in life gives me hope and gives me the energy to wake and get up every day to get a little closer to achieving those goals. 

On December 31st of last year I set a short list of goals that I wanted to achieve in 2014 and I can happily say I achieved. The goals were:
- Do more of what makes YOU happy.
- Start college again.
- Get my drivers license.
- Travel to different places.
- Make that trip to Brasil happen.
- Start that damn blog!
And last but not least one of the most cliché goals ever:
- Stay active.

Even though it "were just seven goals" I am super proud of myself for achieving all of them. Besides these goals there is much more I have achieved today. I don't feel like talking about all those things yet so sorry about that. 

2014 has been one of my best years so far and I am more then ready for everything 2015 will bring. I have set some goals already but the list isn't finished yet.

These are my 2015 goals so far:
- Continue uploading a blog (weekly).
- Successfully finish my first year of college.
- Finish the 25 km walk on the 21st of march.
- Do more of what makes YOU happy.

That's all I have for now.

I hope you all have had a wonderful year and may next year be even more wonderful for every single one of you!! Happy new year!

Love you lots!

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