Monday 15 December 2014



This blog won't be some sort of story-like thing or gathering of deep-ish thoughts. No this is something that happened to me about yesterday and let's say it crept me out. So yesterday I finally went to see Mockingjay part 1 at the theatre and wow what a great movie it was. I am so stoked for the next part now!!!

So after driving through some small city streets looking for a parking space, my little sister and I were discussing our expectations of the movie (which it definitely lived up to). Finally I found a little space, perfect for my little car so I parked it there. We both got out and were ready to go as I noticed something. At first I thought there was just someone standing on their balcony, casually enjoying the bright night sky and all the stars in it. It wasn't until I looked at "her / him" again that I noticed he/she had a friend on a little flat roof that was just under the balcony. Now that is where things started to get weird. 

You may already have guessed he/she wasn't a real person and neither was their friend, they were bloody dolls. Bloody wooden life-size dolls, like the ones they use in art classes only a couple of times bigger. They looked like freaking slender without the suit. After those clever deductions..... my sister and I quickly walked out of the street and towards the cinema. Slowly forgetting about the slenderdolls that would probably be waiting for us as we got back. The film made forgetting a bit more easy yet as we approached the doomed street again afterwards the both of us knew what would be there.

I was already relieved that the car was still there and it somehow calmed me to see the dolls were in the same position as we had last seen them. We took a deep breath and quickly got into the car which had gotten pretty cold during our absence. This meant nothing but one thing, we had to wait until the car had heated up a bit and the windows were clear again. Yes as I am pretty new to the whole driving and car circuit this seemed to be the only solution for me. Just wait, being scared to death to get eaten by a couple of slenderdolls who were still casually watching us.. Great.

Eventually the car heated up and I left the parking space. Yessss!!! Bye slenderdolls, we won. Just as I had gotten out of the parking space my sister thought it would be fun to say "slendy, slendyyyy" in the most creepy voice ever. At that point I got a little bit scared for my life again and almost hit a car on the other side of the road. Great thanks, sister.......
Eventually we got home in one peace and not murdered nor attacked by the creepy dolls.

So yeah that was my terrifying experience of last week. Hope you had a better Sunday!

Lots of love, ThatDutchGirl96

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