Friday 12 December 2014

The wonders of the rain.


This week winter has turned back to autumn. Rain, rain and more rain. From small drops, to huge waterfalls and hail. (solid) Water hitting you in the face and creeping it's way down your spine as you cringe at the cold feeling of it. Every time you decide to go outside or you simply have to go somewhere the weather pleases itself by turning just a little worse. No slow drizzle for you! Here have some thick raindrops. And I'm not sure although I feel like the weather has quite low self-esteem because every time you have to go out and you are finally happy with the way your hair falls down or whatever it decides to turn that slow innocent drizzle into a bloody flood. Yay! Way to go weather.....

So this week every time after my 20 minute bicycle ride to the train station I was soaked. Completely and utterly soaked. Coat, drowned in water, hair, ruined, clothes and even underwear, no dry spot to be found. Well done weather... Are you happy now because I'm not. And those are always the moments you realise your day has only just begun... FML

Rain isn't all bad and stupid, no no no. Every now and then (especially at times I don't have to go out in the rain) it's quite nice. In my case it's mostly when I'm on the train or in the car (except when I'm driving), rain drops landing on the windows and slowly sliding off the window again, racing against each other. The raindrops getting ahead of one an other before falling back behind. I love to watch those races making up stories in my head about what might be happening inside those drops. "HAHA goodbye Roger, I'll be there first!" "No way Susan."

Besides the racing there is also the sound of raindrops hitting the windows and rooftops. Different rhythms, intensiveness's. When it's drizzling you'll barely hear the drops fall down however when it's raining quite heavily you might hear an up beat rhythm passive aggressively hitting the windows or rooftops. Those passive aggressive raindrops compose the best symphonies, a calming sound slowly taking me to the land of dreams and nightmares, taking along the stress as they glide down the window. 

Yeah rain can be a total pain in the ass however it sometimes is one of the most wonderful weather conditions. Let's just say rain is underrated. Especially on days like mine today. A lazy day, not having to go outside, just staring through the window watching the rain drops forming puddles and racing down the window, enjoying the blur that it leaves the outside world in. 

Lots of love,

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