Saturday 24 February 2018

Newsie Q&A.


Let me stow the seriousity for a change. Since the beginning of 2018 I have become rather interested (read: obsessed) with the Disney musical Newsies. And I mean interested in belting out the songs all the time, trying and failing to do the dancing routines, memorising all newsies by name and face, and being able to act out the entire musical. For my sake, let's leave out watching Newsies live on an almost daily basis.

So to put my useless obsession for yet another musical to some use get ready for a Newsie Q&A put together by the fabulous Tumblr user: thebroadwayelephant.

Let's get going:

Jack: Do you consider yourself a leader or follower?
This highly depends on the group, like on my internship I'm definitely a follower. However with my friends and in class I'm a leader for sure.

Katherine: Do you enjoy writing?
Yes! I absolutely love writing, either blogpost, crazy stories or fiction, I love it! I'll even like writing an essay as long as the topic interests me. 

Race: What’s something people associate with you?
Fun facts and lots of banter

Crutchie: Have you ever broken a bone or moved away from someone you love?
Broken a bone never. Moved away from loved ones only temporary, can't stay away for too long now can I.

Les: Are you a child at heart?

Romeo: Are you a romantic or a realist?
Bit of both though in my mind I like to think I'm more of a romanticist.

Specs: Do you wear glasses/contacts?
If only, it's been a wish ever since I watched Harry Potter as a child.

Spot: Do you consider yourself to be a brave/tough person?
Kind of, not like Gryffindor brave, more like angry Hufflepuf badger brave.

Davey: Are you more impulsive or cautious?
Cautious I like to think of what I'm going to do before doing it. This doesn't count on speech though, all the think before you speak filters have been erased.

Medda Larkin: Where are you the happiest?
In a decent reading nook with an even better book.

Delancey brothers: What’s something that frustrates you?
When others don't understand me.

Wiesel: Is your name misspelled or mispronounced frequently?
Yes, try having a name that's used for males and females but written differently for both. You would be surprised as to how difficult it is to write Renée.

Albert: Are you good with sarcasm?
Yes, sarcasm is my mother tongue.

Pulitzer: What’s one mistake you’ve made?
Oh god, only one.... Let that be asking for help only when you realise it's actually too late.

Finch: What’s something you’re scared of?
I ain't scared of no terf! Although spiders get me a bit (very much) jittery. Also being home alone at night.

Roosevelt: What’s something that brings you joy?
Warmer weather, a fireplace, books, cosy sweaters, freshly mowed grass, hot chocolate, the sun!

Snyder: What’s one thing you would change in society?
The crazy amount of anger and hate there is towards one another. Geez this world needs to chill.

Hannah: Are you an organized person?
Yes I am very organised. Nothing makes me happier than a clean working space and bedroom.

If you're already familiar with Newsies, I hope you liked this little Q&A. If not I hope this inspired you to look into Newsies the musical. They have a live Broadway recording which is on NETFLIX! What more could you want, apart from awesome choreographies, amazing singing, a cool and still relevant story, and cute guys!?

Anyway, I hoped you liked this slightly different blogpost, if you did let me know by liking the post or leaving a comment!

Lots of love,

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