Thursday 30 April 2015


Hey There!

Yes you read it right. The "hello" is gone and replaced by a slightly better but not yet what I want "hey there". However I shouldn't complain as the first step to finding my own perfect intro is taken. Now it is time to slowly sort out where to put my foot next to take the second and maybe last step on the way to my 'perfect intro'.

Let's talk business. 

I can call myself very lucky. Very lucky, very privileged and sadly also very Dutch. Believe it or not, just like British people and quite a lot of people on this small blue and green orb Dutch people love to complain. We have become rather good at it to be honest, not sure if that's a good thing, probably not. Out of all things to complain about we love complaining about the weather the most. I don't know if it's just our weather but last week the weather has been an incredible roller-coaster. One day I am just chilling outside, tanning in my bikini and the other day I have wear a warm sweater, winter coat, scarf and gloves to take on the cold that has taken over. Sun, rain, hail, warmth and frost have been fighting for that one place in the spotlight and it's a tight race. Oh all the complaints I have heard so far!  

It is just an idea but instead of being all negative and mean towards the weather we could, maybe you know just hope for better weather that suits April/ May or at least accept the weather as it comes?! Just an idea... 
Due to school, my internship and all the homework I have to do I spent most of my days inside so I can't really be bothered. However there are some meteorological happenings that do catch my attention and admiration. Take the sunrise for example. As I have to be on the train to school or my internship around 6 or 7 in the morning I am one of the few lucky persons that get to watch the sun rise and light up the world with it's beautiful light. It is absolutely stunning!

As the sun starts to rise I am on a train or waiting for one and in all honesty delays don't bother me at all at those moments. All I care about is the beauty that our universe contains and how we don't appreciate all that nearly enough. I can't even bring myself to close my eyes as I will miss the beauty of the sunrise if I do. That's the only time I don't mind tears rolling down my cheeks due to the sunlight. It shines bright and with it's light a feeling of positivity and serenity flows over the world. The sun has this magical power of bringing the best out of people, even in the very early morning. 

On the train the sun travels from window to window depending on the course of the train and how fast the sun rises. It is a gorgeous sight that more people should be seeing. Maybe it will brighten up their day for a bit. Who knows what good a little bit of sunshine can do for a small life form as us humans. 

So if ever wake up early don't fall back asleep, when it's around 5 or 6 am, when you wake up around 4 am please fall back asleep and catch a few more hours of precious sleep! However if you ever find yourself awake rather early and the sun is about to come up. Stay awake a little longer and watch the sun rise. Whether it's from your bed through your window, from a train station or a train, outside on a hill or maybe on a roof. Just go and watch the sun rise. It is super beautiful and you will not regret it I can promise!

When you find yourself outside watching the sunrise take note! Not only are you watching one of the most beautiful happenings our universe has to offer you are also taking in vitamin D which is good for a lot of things regarding your physical AND mental health. So not only is a sunrise amazing to watch it is also good for your health! What more could you wish for?!

Lots of love, sunrises and vitamin D,


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