Monday 17 October 2016

Seasonal drinks.

Hey people!
(Cheeky picture of my own neighbourhood,
taken with a canon EOS1000)

IT'S AUTUMN AGAIN!!!! Temperatures are dropping, nature is becoming a beautifully warm colour pallet, and sweaters are legal again. Slowly humanity is climbing out of their autumn depression and starts appreciating the seasonal changes. Even though I'm very much a summer child, I absolutely adore autumn. I love the colours, sweaters, long walks through a beautiful forest and of course the hot drinks.

It's been almost 6 months since these drinks left my everyday life. Well beside coffee, coffee is my every-season-hot-drink. It just never leaves my side, and I very much appreciate that. However it is time to break apart with coffee for a bit, not completely, hell no. With morning shifts that start at 7 I wouldn't survive without my trusted friend coffee. No, during the next months I will invite more hot-drink-friends over again. Tea is welcome again, not the iced tea, just the hot tea that caused a 
2nd grade burn on my chin last year, kind of tea. Hot chocolate is making an incredible entrance again, and yes I did purchase some mini marshmallows already. 

Because what better way to keep your body and soul warm when the temperature drops and your fingertips feel like little ice buckets after a bicycle ride, than with a lovely hot beverage. Autumn and winter bring it on! I am ready for you. 

Now I already mentioned how coffee is my hot drink best friend throughout the year.  And with coffee, I don't just mean the black gold that charges my mental energy bar every morning. NO I mean a lot of types of coffee like, (flavoured) latte macchiatos,and  cappuccinos (a new hot drink friend). Then there are all the different kinds of tea. Star-mint, green tea, chamomile, caramelised pear, apple cinnamon, autumn storm, winter glow, earl grey. Let's just say I'm not very picky when it comes to tea flavours, but don't you dare approach me with a fruity flavoured tea. I will destroy those. Worst teas ever! (In my opinion though, I don't want to offend and get chased by all you fruity tea lovers out there!) 

this one looks so good!!!)
Then, last but not least, the hot chocolate. A hot drink my physical state, well more like my diabetes, doesn't really like. You know with the big amount of carbs in there and all. God forbid me putting any mini marshmallows in, thankfully I'm not religious because I love my mini marshmallows. Oh and don't forget the whipped creme. (I'm starting to drool all over my keyboard). Yes hot chocolate, together with just normal, not drinkable chocolate one of my favourite sweet things in the entire universe. Well, earth. But then again, diabetes, and struggles so I have to restrain myself to one cup of hot chocolate per time. I can't go all crazy, drinking 4 hot chocolates in a row, well actually I could but I don't want to spent that much insulin just on hot chocolates. So yeah, diabetes struggles. 

However that does leave me with my teas and coffees, so I'm still a happy person. Autumn bring it on! I am ready! Also I'm kind of convincing my mum to buy me and my sister some nice pumpkins to carve :). Perks of still living at home...... 
Oh almost forgot, I'm also going to the Halloween nights at a local amusement park for which I'm pretty excited! Lot's of amazing days out coming up the next months! Be ready for them!

Lots of love,

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