Thursday 30 June 2016

My dearest Vincent.

Dear Vincent,

Last saturday I visited your legacy. A museum, named after and devoted to you, founded by your nephew. It was a four floor building and your work was everywhere. Your work, your life, everything about you hung on those walls, visible for whoever walked past. It was incredible and it only made me love you and that incredibly complex mind of you even more. 

I've always admired your work but even more the story of your life. Your life is one of the more inspiring life stories I've heard so far. It holds happines, sadness, madness, magnificent friendships, and more importantly one of the strongest bonds between brothers I know of. Your brother Theo was a magnificent man, just like you were and the bond the two of you shared is one many siblings can look up to. You were, brothers, friends, and business partners, where most siblings have a relationship that goes no further than the brother part. Sad, if I may say so. 

Let me compliment your work, Vincent. I've grown up with your work, you are one of Hollands, of the worlds, finest painters. Your artwork changed the future of art but still, you my Vincent, are one of a kind. Ever since I was a little girl I loved your artwork, the circular shapes, the endless little dots, they made your artwork come to live. Your artwork was and still is the most magical artwork I know. To see your work from up close for once, it gave me so much more insight in the way you worked, the colours you used and how you made the artwork come to life. Something that has been a mystery to me for the biggest part of my life. Oh Vincent, I love your work, like so many others in this world. A few of my favourites are Sunflowers and Starry night. Oh how I love those. The contrasts, the use of colour, the different dimensions and emotions you managed to put in the 'simple' 2d canvasses. 

Vincent, the day in your museum, it thaught me a lot about you. Not only about your artwork and the way you paint, how you saw the world, and how you used your pain and managed to put it in your artwork. No that day I learned so much more, about you as a person, your relationships with other artists and of course your family and Theo, your brother. It thaught me your life story as I never heard it before. I read letters, saw some photographs of you, found out more about the institute you went to when life got bad. Vincent, you have no idea how much respect I have for you. I wish I had known you in real life, I wish you were still alive. The way you saw the world was a way I wanted to know more about and now I do. Now I know how you saw the world and how it reflects in your paintings. I know about it now and can't wait to start seeing the world the same way. You Vincent, you and your paintings and your intruiging life story, you brought back some of the magic I had lost. 

Vincent, if you were still alive, I would probably shake your hand, give you a hug and wish you all the best. But Vincent, you're not alive anymore, all there is left of you is your artwork, the letters you wrote, your drawings and your life story. So now I'm left with thanking you, and being forever grateful for the fact you once were alive and the magic and meaning your life has brought me!

Yours faithfully,


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