Sunday 26 October 2014

Let me introduce myself.


As this is my first entry ever I guess an introduction would be the only right thing. Won't it? Well there we go then. I am a girl as you may have already guessed and I'm Dutch. Holland is a beautiful country with it's windmills, wooden shoes (which nobody really wears any more), tulips, canals and awful big amount of bicycles terrorising the public roads and sometimes even pavements. Yes I genuinely enjoy living in this small characteristic country. 

You won't find me too often in the big cities our country holds as my home is in one of the smaller villages. This village is so small it's literally never mentioned on a map. Despite it being so unknown I find it lovely to live here. It's just your average peaceful, boring, nothing ever happens here town. We don't even have a supermarket so yeah. 

That's all there is to my town. You still want to know more about me? Well let's continue then. My name is RenĂ©e (I'm not really called ThatDutchGirl96, shocker right?) and I'm currently in the first year of my nursing course. Once I graduate I would love to work with children and abroad. Hobbies? Yes I have some of those too, they are what makes life enjoyable aren't they?! My hobbies include writing, reading (English and Dutch books), watching a lot of TV-shows and sometimes movies and photography. Besides those I also like to go on long walks, learn lots of new things, sometimes hang out with friends, travelling by train and going on adventures in general. 

With my blog I hope to  create a bit of online space where I can share my thoughts, adventures, struggles, dilemma's and (fun) anecdotes with the world. Mostly I hope I can create an interactive online community where everyone feels accepted and loved.

That's enough about me don't you think. So what about you? Let me know in the comments!

See you next time.

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